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Travel Afghanistan with me through my experiences, and vision Afghanistan with me through my photos :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

National Museum of Afghanistan

Im back! So I didn't keep my word and update as much as I could, but, in my defence, there I had very limited acess to internet. If it was available, it was hard to ask for it, and if I had it, it was too slow to do anything with. And so, everything I put up on the blog will be out of order, but it will be more in quantity :)

First off, after my intro rant, I would like to say that going to Afghanistan will open your eyes in sooo many ways whether you have travelled before or never travelled before, like myself.

Afghanistan has developed a lot in the past decade. Especially within Kabul, you will see many new buildings, shopping centres, proper roads, street signs in some areas that no one listens to, super markets (completely modern like Superstore/Costco) etc. However, you will always see the impact of decades of war around these buildings, in the face of beggars, bombed houses, ancient markets, dirt roads, stalls etc.

The land, the people, their societies and surroundings were so different than the Canadian life I was used to. It's hard to explain so I hope you can see what I saw through my pictures although even these pictures are not enough to give you the full image of Afghanistan - it's close though ahah.

This post has pictures of The National Museum of Afghanistan. The museum located in Kabul, was built in 1922 by King Amanullah Khan. It has been looted several times, but still survived with artifacts dating back several millenia.

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